Envoy Announces Safe Haven Baby Box Sponsorship Program
INDIANAPOLIS - In 2014, Baby Amelia became the last deceased infant found from illegal abandonment in the state of Indiana. Since then, a resource derived from the Safe Haven Law, Safe Haven Baby Boxes have become a resource for women in crisis to ensure a safe surrender of their baby. To make this resource more widely available across Indiana and surrounding states, Envoy Companies announced today a historic partnership with Safe Haven Baby Boxes to sponsor future baby boxes in all fire station projects to ensure Baby Amelia is the last infant found from an unsafe surrender.
“We are very proud to announce the Safe Haven Baby Box sponsorship program at Envoy,” said Scott Baldwin, President of Envoy Companies. “We have worked with several fire departments across Indiana to install the Safe Haven Baby Box and look forward to making this resource more available for women.”
The State of Indiana passed the Safe Haven Law in 2000 allowing people to anonymously surrender their healthy newborn without fear of criminal prosecution at any fire station. The Safe Haven Baby Box can be installed at any 24/7 staffed fire station, and the boxes are equipped with an alarm system to immediately notify staff inside the station and 911 dispatch of the presence of a baby. The boxes also have heating and cooling features to keep the baby safe, as well as an outside door that locks as soon as the baby is placed inside. Indiana is one of five states with updated Safe Haven Laws to include the Safe Haven Baby Box as a surrender option.
Envoy Companies has committed to sponsor the acquisition and lease of Safe Haven Baby Boxes in all fire station projects moving forward. Working closely with local fire stations, Envoy will fund $10,000 toward the procurement of the Safe Haven Baby Boxes as a part of the overall scope of future fire station projects. To date, Envoy has installed Safe Haven Baby Boxes at fire stations in Vernon Township and White River Township.
“We currently have 37 Safe Haven Baby Boxes installed and available across Indiana, Ohio, and Arkansas. We believe this partnership will help raise awareness and make this valuable resource even more widely available,” said Chanel Cunningham, Director of Programs and Administration for Safe Haven Baby Boxes. “We are looking forward to sharing more about Safe Haven Baby Boxes and this partnership at our annual celebration of life banquet in Ft. Wayne next week.”
The 2020 Safe Haven Baby Boxes Banquet is Friday, August 7 at the Grand Wayne Convention Center in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. Featuring keynote speaker Willie Robertson from Duck Dynasty, the event will celebrate the lives saved through the program, reunite adoptive parents and babies with emergency personnel, and celebrate the theme Adoption Unleashes Possibilities.
Tickets to the 2020 banquet are $80 for individuals and available by visiting www.shbb.org. There is also a free registration to the virtual live stream of the event.
To learn more about Envoy Companies and its commitment to providing more Safe Haven Baby Boxes throughout Indiana and Ohio, visit www.envoycompanies.com.