Envoy Partners with Arts for Lawrence on Cultural Campus at Fort Benjamin Harrison
LAWRENCE, IN – Arts for Lawrence and the City of Lawrence have announced that Envoy has been selected as the construction partner for the first phase of Arts for Lawrence’s Cultural Campus at historic Fort Benjamin Harrison. The redevelopment project includes renovations to the existing Theater at the Fort, as well as the renovation and relocation of a historic building for the creation of a visual arts facility. The improvements are made possible by a 2018 grant to the City of Lawrence from Lilly Endowment Inc. through its initiative Strengthening Indianapolis through Arts and Cultural Innovation. Arts for Lawrence is collaborating with the City of Lawrence for the project.
“The Cultural Campus will put Fort Harrison on the map as an arts destination,” said Judy Byron, Executive Director of Arts for Lawrence. “This is the natural next step in the continued redevelopment of Fort Harrison. It’s meaningful to have a community member as a part of the development.”
Phase one of the Fort Ben Cultural Campus includes facility upgrades to the Theater at the Fort, including cosmetic repairs to the exterior and interior, accessibility improvements, and multimedia equipment for future community programming. The project also includes improvements to the Sterrett Center Community Center next door.
Envoy, headquartered at Fort Harrison, has also signed on to manage the renovation and relocation of the historic Fort Harrison communications building—to be repurposed as the Visual Arts Building on the Cultural Campus. The addition of this facility to the campus allows for increased gallery space and room for more visual art classes.
“We are proud to be selected as the Arts for Lawrence construction partner, especially as Fort Harrison is our home,” said Scott Baldwin, President of Envoy. “Investment in quality of life initiatives, such as the arts and community spaces, help to drive economic development and growth. The new Cultural Campus will only further the appeal of Lawrence Village at the Fort.”
The City of Lawrence and Arts for Lawrence were awarded a $5.8 million grant from Lilly Endowment Inc.’s “Strengthening Indianapolis Through Arts and Cultural Innovation” initiative. The grant will fund the development of the Cultural Campus at Fort Benjamin Harrison and includes future plans for a cultural plaza and interactive public art.
Envoy and the project partners are currently finalizing the design plans and are expected to start construction in Dec. 2019. For more information, visit www.artsforlawrence.org.